We are thrilled to announce the Excuria event of the season: Farm 2 Face! đŸŒ±
Join us June 27th, 12-7pm, for an exceptional skincare event, where we will be offering facials and pedicures that use Éminence organic skin care products.
Reserve a time by giving us a call at 716.839.3106 or speaking to our front desk team!
What you will enjoy:
Éminence Facial

A review and assessment of your complexion. Expert recommendation for optimal skin care performance and daily care practices. Deep cleansing with exfoliation booster treatment mask, specific to your skin care needs. Plus a smoothing and hydrating Éminence Lip Treatment.
A value of $93, yours for $70.
Éminence Pedicure
Éminence Hungarian sourced scrub guaranteed to smooth and brighten ashy dry skin. Éminence leg wrap to improve circulation, while also detoxifying to reduce fluid. Calves will look and feel tighter. Éminence Contour Cream or infused Body Oil smoothed onto legs and feet to soothe and hydrate. You will be summer ready!
A value of $77, yours for $70.
Excuria Perks!
Purchase a facial or pedicure for the event and you will be entered to win an Éminence Gift Basket (valued at $300). Rebook any Éminence service at the event, receive our new Exceptional Hands treatment on your next visit. Refreshments and cooling beverages. Quick touch up to lips, eyes, and cheeks. Enjoy discounts on Éminence products.
10% of proceeds will be donated to Mezzo Allies Inc., a safe space for survivors of family-controlled trafficking, and an educational platform for advocates of survivors.
We look forward to seeing you at the event!